Mechanism of action
XyliMelts’ medicinal grade xylitol is the only one indicated by Health Canada to stimulate salivation during sleep. It does not only hydrate the mouth for a short period of time, it actually stimulates the salivary process. In fact, its delightful taste, combined with its sweet and intensely refreshing effect, stimulates the nervous system, which generates an extremely efficient increase of the oral pH and salivary flow.


- Helps reduce the incidence of cavities dental caries
- Stimulates saliva production to relieve dryness of the mouth
- Improve quality and quantity of salivary production
- Use while sleeping and/or during the day time
Medicinal Ingredient
0.55g xylitol (1 piece)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients
Acacia gum, cellulose gum, hydroxypropylcellulose, natural mint flavor (without for the mint-free version), magnesium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate.
- Mild mint
- Mint-free
Clinical uses
- CPAP machine users
- Diabetics
- Geriatrics
- Halitosis
- Oncology treatment
- Pediatrics
- Cannabis use
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Xerostomia
Directions for use
Place tan adhesive side on the outside of a molar and/or adjoining gums (upper or lower), white side touching cheek.
Before bedtime
2 pastilles while sleeping, 1 on each side of the mouth or as needed. Lasts 4 to 6 hours.
During the day
1 to 2 pastilles, 3 to 7 times a day or as needed. Lasts 1 to 3 hours.

- A gradual introduction to xylitol is recommended since it could have a mild laxative effect in the case of excessive consumption
- Risk of toxicosis and hypoglycemia for dogs.
Just had to let you know you have a very happy patient. The xylitol lozenges you recommended are absolutely magic. I do use the meds at night because that is when the mouth dryness is most acute and bothersome. I use only one adhered to the gumline on one side of my upper jaw. Tucked in that way, it has no potential to become dislodged and, for the first time in recent memory, I don't keep waking up with a Saharan Desert mouth.
Thank you!
- Debbie, a patient
Works extremely well to stimulate saliva production. Use with CPAP at night time.
- Peg, a patient
Featured publications
Reducing caries and improving gingival status while sleeping
Dental Maintenance of the Medically Compromised Patient
Effects of A Novel Disc Formulation on Dry Mouth Symptoms and Enamel Remineralization in Patients With Hyposalivation: An In Vivo Study
OTC Management of Dry Mouth
Xylitol and Its Direct Positive Impact on Oral Health
Erosive assessment of dry mouth lozenges and tablets on enamel and dentin
Lubricating Adhering Discs for Relief of Oral Dryness
- Burgess J., Lee P., XyliMelts time-release adhering pastilles for night-time oral dryness, International Journal of Dental Hygiene – May 2012, Issue 2, Vol. 10. [download]
- Gonzalez A., Dental Maintenance of the Medically Compromised Patient, Oral Health – July 2014. [download]
- Arpin S., Kandelman D., Lalonde B., La xérostomie chez les personnes âgées, Journées dentaires du Québec, Vol. 42, Juillet/Août 2005. [download]
- Milgrom P., Ly K. A., Tut O. K., Mancl L., Roberts M. C., Briand K., Gancio M. J., Xylitol pediatric topical oral syrup to prevent dental caries: a double blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, July 2009; 163(7): 601–607. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2009.77. [download]
- Livesey G., Health potential of polyols as sugar replacers, with emphasis on low glycaemic properties, Nutrition Research Reviews, 2003, 16 : 163-191. [download]
- Uhari M., Kontiokari T., Koskela M., Niemela M., Xylitol Chewing Gum in Prevention of Acute Otitis Media: Double Blind Randomised Trial, BMJ. 1996 NOv 9;313(7066):1180-4. [download]
- Uhari M., Kontiokari T., Niemela M., A Novel Use of Xylitol Sugar in Preventing Acute Otitis Media, Pediatrics. 1998 Oct;102(4 Pt 1):879-84. [download]
- Uhari M., Tapiainen T., Kontiokari T., Xylitol in Preventing Acute Otitis Media, Vaccine. 2000 Dec 8;19 Suppl 1:S144-7. [download]
- Tapiainen T., Renko M., Kontiokari T., Uhari M., Xylitol Concentrations in the Saliva of Children After Chewing Xylitol Gum or Consuming a Xylitol Mixture, Eur j Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2002 Jan;21(1):53-5. [download]
- Tapiainen T., Renko M., Kontiokari T., Renko M., Uhari M., Xylitol Administered Only During Respiratory Infections Failed to Prevent Acute Otitis Media, pediatrics. 2002 Feb;109(2):E19. [download]
- Hautalahti O., Renko M., Tapiainen T., Kontiokari T., Pokka T., Uhari M., Failure of Xylitol Given Three Times a Day for Preventing Acute Otitis Media, Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007 May;26(5):423-7. [download]
- Featherstone John D.B., Delivery Challenges for Fluoride, Chlorhexidine and Xylitol, BMC Oral Health, 2006, 6(Suppl 1):S8. [download]
- Milgrom P., Ly K.A., Rothen M., Xylitol and Its Vehicles for Public Health Needs, Adv Dent Res 21:44-47, August 2009. [download]
- Söderling E.M., Xylitol, Mutans Streptococci, and Dental Plaque, Adv Dent Res 21:74-78, August 2009. [download]
- Mäkinen K.K., Sugar Alcohols, Caries Incidence, and Remineralization of Caries Lesions: A Literature Review, International Journal of Dentistry, 2010. [download]
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